Stay Organized and Prepared: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Diaper Cart

Being a new parent can be overwhelming and stressful, so I understand that the last thing you want to do is start looking for wipes when it’s time for a diaper change. When we were living in a smaller space, having a diaper caddy worked for us; but with our 3rd child, a diaper cart was a must. I found myself being overwhelmed with going up and down the stairs to look for essentials during a diaper change. So not only did I transition to a diaper cart, but I now have one on each floor and it’s been a lifesaver. A diaper cart is a mobile station that has everything you need for a quick and easy diaper change–or just general baby needs. You know I’m all about keeping things organized and saving time and this does just that. Now my diaper changes are less stressful and more efficient. In this ultimate guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about building a diaper cart that will make your life as a parent much easier.

Choosing Your Cart or Caddy

If you live in a small space, you might opt for a small caddy that you can carry from room to room. When we were apartment living with our firstborn, there were not very many spaces where we could actually change her. It was either at her crib or in the living room. A small storage bin worked perfectly for us then.

If you living in a space with multi levels and diaper changes can happen on either one of those floors it might be a good idea to opt for a diaper cart that you can roll from room to room. Getting a cart for each floor might be an even better option and that’s the route we went. We got our diaper cart from Target and I’ve been loving it so far. I love these carts because even when we are done with the diaper stage, they can still be repurposed for something else. (I’m already thinking of using them to organize some toys!) Initially, I was a bit bummed out that the wheels didn’t lock. I have a 18 month old and I didn’t want him rolling the cart all around the house. But honestly, after his first day of fascination he hasn’t bothered with the cart since then

Necessary Items for a Diaper Cart

Besides the obvious diapers and wipes, there are other essentials that you will need for your diaper cart. Ultimately, you should make the cart your own but here are the things I’ve included in mine:

Tier 1

The top section of the cart holds essentials that I need for diaper changes

  • Diapers: Obviously, you’ll need a good supply of diapers. Depending on how often you plan to change your baby, you’ll want to have at least a dozen or more on hand.
  • Wipes: Make sure you have a large supply of wipes, as you’ll be using them a lot. You can buy them in bulk to save money.
  • Diaper Cream or Vaseline: Diaper cream helps prevent and treat diaper rash. Make sure you have a good supply on hand.
  • Changing Pad: A changing pad provides a clean and comfortable surface for diaper changes. I have this one from target.
  • Hand Sanitizer: It’s important to keep your hands clean during diaper changes, so make sure you have a bottle of hand sanitizer on hand.

Tier 2

The middle section of the cart holds the essentials I need for feeding and pumping and toys.

  • Breast Pump and Bottles: Let me tell you, I absolutely LOVE this breast pump. I tried to pump with my previous two children and it just didn’t work for me. It was always a frustrating process. This pump has been so easy to use and the price is amazing. If you’ve struggled with pumping in the past, I highly recommend this one.
  • Breast Pads: When you are a breastfeeding mama, the leaking is real! I use these disposable Lansinoh pads.
  • Pacifers: Pacifiers are like socks, they’re always disappearing. Keep a couple of sanitized pacifiers close by.
  • Small Toys: Include some small toys that your baby can play with during diaper changes or anytime they start to get a little fussy.

Tier 3

The bottom section of the cart holds clothing essentials.

  • Clothes: It’s good to keep a couple of onesies in the cart when accidents happen–and they will.
  • Swaddles: If you have a cranky baby, sometimes a good swaddle is all they need. I love these weighted swaddles because the baby still feels like they’re being carried.
  • Burp Cloths: Burp cloths can be used for more than just burping. They’re great for wiping up spills and messes during diaper changes.

Tips for Maintaining a Well-Organized Diaper Cart

Now that you have your diaper cart set up, it’s important to maintain it to ensure it stays organized and efficient. Here are some tips to help you do that:

  • Regularly Check and Restock: Check your diaper cart regularly to see if any items need to be restocked or replaced. This will help ensure that you always have everything you need for a quick and easy diaper change.
  • Clean and Disinfect: Wipe down your diaper cart regularly with a disinfectant spray or wipes to keep it clean and germ-free.
  • Rotate Items: If you have multiple items of the same type, such as diapers or wipes, rotate them to make sure they get used evenly and don’t expire.
  • Customize for Your Needs: As your baby grows and their needs change, customize your diaper cart to suit those needs. For example, you may need to add items like diaper rash cream or a teething ring.

Building a well-organized and prepared diaper cart is essential for reducing the overwhelm that comes with having a new baby. It can make diaper changes less stressful and more efficient, and can even be a fun project to put together! I hope this guide has helped you think about items to include in your diaper cart. Remember to make it your own!

About Me

Hi there. Let's be friends. I've been married to my husband since 2019 and we have 3 beautiful children. I'm here to encourage you to mother with grace.

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